Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has collected revenue of Rs 4.34 billion

As of December 30, the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) had earned Rs 4.34 billion in income for the current fiscal year.

The KMC earned Rs 3.69 billion in income during the same reporting period last year, according to KMC Revenue Department Chief Dr. Shivaraj Adhikari.

Adhikari stated that the city had improved its income collecting performance with the lowering trend of coronavirus infection.

Dr. Adhikari gave information on revenue collection during a Revenue Advisory Committee meeting held at KMC on Wednesday. The revenue advisory committee meeting resolved to send the agenda to the municipal assembly on the fee and penalty for failing to remove unlicensed display boards inside KMC.

When the KMC team was deployed to remove the introduction boards placed up without consent or stated criteria, the committee agreed that businesspeople would be punished with a minimum of Rs 500 and a maximum of Rs 3,000.


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